Test Game “Landing Party” Is A New Category Of Gaming

Test Game “Landing Party” Is A New Category Of Gaming

Test Game “Landing Party” Is A New Category Of Gaming

We did it! Monsarrat is glad to announce the launch of Landing Party, a completely new type of video game never seen before by anyone.

Unlike Pokémon Go, with its “collecting game” gameplay, Landing Party is an Outdoor RPG, a roleplaying game where an entire game world is laid out across a local park. You don’t just see one creature. You walk through a landscape of game content, interacting with environments, objects, buildings, and creatures with deep storytelling.

Download it from Apple App Store, and we’ll soon have it available for Android on Google Play.

Monsarrat is a startup and Landing Party is just a test game, to show the concept and enable us to raise more funding. Please be kind in your reviews and ratings as we build this into a full game. However, Landing Party is much more than a demo. You’ll find substantial gameplay, with 12 missions.

We’d love to get your feedback! Join our Discord server, or email us at contact@monsarrat.com.

Forbes Praises Monsarrat at AWE!

Forbes Praises Monsarrat at AWE!

Forbes Praises Monsarrat at AWE!

Forbes chose Monsarrat as one of only two startups to praise at Augmented World Expo 2023, against 450 speakers, 300 exhibitors, and 5,000 attendees.

In the article Boom Times For XR At AWE 2023, Forbes wrote:

“The best parts of AWE are often spontaneous demos given by developers and entrepreneurs in the hallways of the conference and convention center… Game developer and entrepreneur Johnny Monsarrat landed a very important and beloved sci-fi brand to build a location-based outdoor game. He raised a seed round, which has enabled him to create a compelling demo of what it’s like to walk around a real park that has been converted into an alien planet.”

Monsarrat Partners with XREAL

Monsarrat Partners with XREAL

Monsarrat Partners with XREAL

XREAL is the world’s best-selling maker of consumer AR headsets. That excludes headsets like the Apple Vision Pro that are sold to enterprises because they’re simply too expenses for individuals such as video game players.

Monsarrat and XREAL have now formed a marketing and development partnership, to build and promote Monsarrat’s games on XREAL’s augmented reality glasses. XREAL founder PJ Jin said, “It’s the best AR game I’ve ever seen.”

Although iPhones and Android phones will always be the primary platforms for our games, because there are so many phones in the world, playing with AR glasses is a premium experience that makes for great gameplay and live video streaming!