Video Game Journalists Praise the World’s First Roleplaying Game

Journalists love our demo game! Landing Party is the world’s first outdoor roleplaying, a free game on app stores now with 12 missions. It’s our stepping stone to our future full game.

Charlie Fink from Forbes praised the game twice, calling it “a remarkable outdoor roleplaying game” and “one of the best parts of AWE, a compelling demo”. At Augmented World Expo, Forbes chose us as one of only 16 companies to praise, from 5,000 attendees and hundreds of exhibitors.

Dean Takahashi from Venture Beat wrote an 1,800-word feature on the game, noting its patented technology, and how competitor Niantic (Pokemon Go) has struggled to evolve from its “collecting stuff” gameplay outdoors.

Tom’s Guide wrote “I just saw the future of mobile gaming“.

At GDC, journalists loved the demo game, noting:

  • How it works well in small spaces, calling it “breathtaking easy”,
  • How surprisingly immersive the game felt, more than you would expect from a small mobile phone screen, and
  • That nothing like this has ever been done before.

Here are the GDC press videos with testimonials praising the game:

And fans have loved the game, too. See ecstatic reactions in these videos by:

About Monsarrat

Based in Los Angeles, Monsarrat makes the world’s first Outdoor Roleplaying Game. Their first demo game, Landing Party, supports deeper, MMO-style storytelling and player interaction than previous outdoor games, which have all been collecting games.

Monsarrat is now seeking business partnerships, and funding to build out their future full game.

Press kit:


Contact: Johnny Monsarrat, CEO,